Kajukembo Self Defense System logo About Us

The Kajukembo Self Defense Systems of North Texas was started in 1997 by Israel Gonzales, a direct student of the late Grand Master Richard L. Peralta and is the longest, continous running school in the KSDS Association in the US, the Official Headquarters for the KSDS and KSDSI associations, as well as the hosting school for the KSDS seminars and luaus.

Professor Gonzales teaches the original method that was taught to him by Grand Master Peralta, aka, the Original Emperado Method, which is the original method that was taught and practiced in Hawaii by the founder, Adriano D. Emperado.

Kajukembo training is beneficial for everyone, whether you are looking for a method of self defense or physical conditioning. Kajukembo improves one's strength, attitude, coordination and self esteem. Kajukembo students benefit outside of class by learning to set goals and going after them and never quitting. Respect, honor and integrity are achieved through their hard work.

No prior martial arts experience is nescesary to learn Kajukembo. New students may enroll at any time