kajukembo self defense systems logo What is Kajukembo?

Kajukembo is a universal martial art that was designed for realistic self defense. Although all martial arts make this claim, Kajukembo self defense techniques were designed to defend against the street fighter. Unlike most traditional martial arts that were designed more than a century ago, or the modern day schools that are designed more for tournament point sparring and exhibition.

Kajukembo techniques consist of Karate, Ju Jitsu, Judo, Kempo and Gung Fu. What makes it unique is not just the proven techniques, it's the concept that makes it effective, and the way we train makes it different, but most importantly, Kajukembo is REAL, TRUE AND PURE SELF-DEFENSE!

Kajukembo emphasizes on disabling their    opponent enough to be able to get away. This may mean injurying them to a point they can't continue an attack. Kajukembo strikes are designed to be effective rather than pretty, and the kicks are low rather than flashy. A Kajukembo practitioner will use whatever is necessary to survive an attack with no thought of what he looks like doing it.

Kajukembo was developed in 1947 in the Palama Settlement of Hawaii by experts in the mentioned arts. These men would take their new combined art to the street and literally test it, then make the necessary adjustments until they had the complete system we know as Kajukembo, or Kajukenbo.